Mind Control
Do you possess this ability? My tattoo on my back mural piece reads, “True victory is victory of one’s self.” So what does it mean to say, “Do you have self mind control?” Well, that’s a very broad statement. In the context of one’s own self-control, do you possess the one trait that will undoubtedly lead to personal success? I’ve always been self-disciplined. I eat clean and healthfully. I’ve been lacto-ovo vegetarian for over 30 years now. I try to consume organic foods in their simplest form. I also make a conscious choice to avoid processed foods, especially frozen or fast foods. I’ve always been a very disciplined person regarding exercise. I started out roller skating and swimming as a child. In my teens, I swam on the swim team, and I played on the boy’s water polo team. After high school, I took up surfing. As an adult, I was an exotic dancer for 22 years, and I was an exercise fanatic in my free time. After a long career in dancing, I became a Pilates instructor at LA Fitness. Currently, I have developed my own form of exercise. So with all these long-term self-disciplines, I obviously have a lot of self-control. Self-control is the way to obtaining mind control. Once you have dedicated yourself to your own self-disciplines, you can then think of fine-tuning the mind, like the body. Mind control goes further, and it is difficult to “quiet the mind” enough to tune the world out. In quieting the mind we can hear direct messages that the universe has for us, but it also deals with how centered and peaceful a mind can be in any situation.
Take for example, the monk that devotes his life to living at the temple. He lives a peaceful existence because this is his calling. This is the monk’s decision to live this way and to sacrifice a family and future at a “normal life”. Well, we cannot all take off to a temple and live a solitary life. It’s not realistic in “normal society”. So the typical person has a job, family, friends, and responsibilities. Life can be difficult, and we don’t always get to have a peaceful job. So how does one learn to “quiet the mind”? How does one get to the place where there is a quiet spot in the mind, despite all that is going on all around you?
I like to meditate to quiet my mind, and then I go deeper. I take one deep breath, and then I breathe normally. I first think to relax my body, and, with each breath, I look deeper into the spirit. I ask myself, “Is the spirit happy? Are you going in the right direction? Do I feel peace in my heart and deep in my soul?” The calm in my spirit resonates from an internal flame of love from the connection I have with God. I am able at this point to quiet the mind enough to see visions of my future.
So if you’re not into meditating, and you don’t know how…. What then? Start at the beginning. Is your spirit at peace?.. Meaning, do you feel peacefulness in your heart. Are you happy in your life? .. Meaning, do you feel you are living your life to the fullest, and do you feel you are the best person you could possibly be? If not, then the exercise will be more difficult but not impossible.
When you are angry, do you explode? Are you fear-based in your reactions to negative events in your life? This is perfect exercise in mind control. How do you handle stress and strife? I used to be a very reactive person, but I have been working hard in my life, even more so very recently, to be more positive in my reaction to negative events. In doing so, I’m much more proactive in finding solutions and options. A recent news event gives another perfect example of this. The Kavanaugh case. The Kavanaugh’s are a God-faith based family. When Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the US, Brett Kavanaugh was called a rapist, the press asked him and his family if they were devastated by this. The Kavanaugh’s responded with a resounding no. They believed in God’s greater plan. Their peace and faith was a testament that true mind control can only be achieved with a strong faith and belief in God and his greater plan, NO MATTER WHAT. I have personally experienced one of the most devastating events any person could endure through the death of my first child. It was not clear in the beginning why my daughter had to pass, but I believed at the moment of her death in God’s greater plan. Since her passing, it has been made clear that my daughter had to pass to become my guardian angel, to lead and guide me through life to achieve and fulfill my destiny. It has been a gift from God from the time she had passed, but only in time was it revealed. So with all this faith, one can see how the experience can be perceived as a good thing, despite the obvious perceived personal loss.
Lastly, can you sit peacefully and quietly on an airplane with a baby incessantly crying when the baby is sitting directly behind you? With mind control, yes you can. You can even elevate from that physical existence and transport to another peaceful place in your mind. Where you can actually enjoy that plane ride. Six hours is a very long time, so practice for minutes when starting. Gradually over time, you will find the time increase until hours seem life minutes. I have experienced this level of mind control. It is intermittent, and some days are easier than others. I aspire to greatness where time does not exist anymore.