Spirituality 101 Report: Death/Loss

I am once again reminded of the fragility of life when I see grief in a young man’s eyes.  The look is undeniable; the pain unbearable.  I softly ask if the young man is alright, and he responds with the news that his best friend died on New Year’s Eve 2020.  The crushing news given as tears well up upon my inquiry.  The details are not important, so I do not dare ask.  The loss alone enough to utter.  I look empathically back, and I say, “I understand, I lost my 18 year old daughter 14 years ago.”  His bewilderment at how I am at ease with this loss; his loss so great and emotional.  I offer my assistance, and he accepts my number to call anytime he needs comfort or support.  Young life, cut short, is even more cutting; the thoughts of what if, what would have been, all rush in at once.

Death and loss are never easy.  Losing someone close to you takes time and patience to properly mourn, but especially when the person that passed was just starting out their adult life.  The reminder of God’s Almighty power resonates loudly in the death of the youth.  Not to negate the loss of the person that lived a full life into their 90’s, and the process to mourn any loved one takes time. God gives life, and He takes life.  He is the beginning and the end.  In the middle is up to us if we submit our will and our ego to the betterment of His plan.  He provides a beautiful and unique destiny for us all; it is up to us to submit. Trusting in the greater good of the loss is the first step in finding peace with death.

Which then begs the question, does Heaven exist?  Will I see those loved ones when I die?  I can emphatically answer, yes.  Heaven does exist.  On the morning of my daughters passing, I saw the Gates of Heaven opened up for her in a vision.  I waved good-bye as she entered.  The trust that I placed in The Lord at that moment was blind trust.  I did not understand the meaning of the loss, and it is not until now that I fully understand.  Of course, it was a difficult “fire” to walk through, but it was a blessing because she is my guardian angel.  She helps me daily with guidance and love, and I now see that it was necessary to have her as my guide to help fulfill my destiny.  When you lose someone close it can seem like all is lost, but in that hour of complete surrender, it is possible to claim that person as your guardian angel.  Grab hold of all of God’s treasures, even ones that cannot be seen.

Victoria SullivanComment